Bitcoin gambling online over the recent years has turned out to be very addictive and rapidly growing due to publicity of this digital currency. Having been launched less than a decade ago but is subsequently growing exponentially as a form of exchange.

Based on the SOFTWISS game aggregator for QI 2021, Bitcoin gaming held a share of 80% across a hundred of I gaming brands proven by SOFTWISS, being followed closely by ethereum.

With Bitcoin hitting the peak price in a year with so much hype surrounding the crypto currency market. It comes as no surprise that the share of online crypto gambling would increase. It is difficult to stick to a schedule and make healthy choices when glued to a computer on a gambling site hence bitcoin online gamblers have varied eating habits.

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Frequent crypto casino gamblers are advised to check on their eating habits. Negative habits lead to health deterioration and as much as gambling takes toll on most of your time. At least make time for yourself!


Bitcoin gamblers might break into emotional eating when they either loss a bet or an unexpected win which may lead to anxiety associated with each of them. This may lead to either over eating or less of a eat to the gambler. Emotional eating may greatly interfere with the metabolism rate of an individual.

To counter emotional eating. An individual has to control his/her emotions associated with the outcome of the gamble.


Wolfing down a meal while snacking or eating doesn’t give your brain time to catch up with your stomach to signal when it is full. Bitcoin gamblers in a bid to create more time for their gambling will find themselves gulping down food which may cause obesity and other related illness according to research.

To evade quick eating as a bitcoin gamble; be sure to chew and bite thoroughly, take smaller bites and make time away from the computer to concentrate on meals.


Bitcoin online gambling addicts will tend to rely much on junk foods as they get not much time to look for balanced food as fruits and make themselves healthy meals. As most of the time is spent glued to the computer, Bitcoin online addicts will form the habit of snacking around the clock often on high calorie foods full of empty carbs.

To fix such as a bit coin online gambling addict, keep only healthy snacks within reach, don’t stock your desk with pots of unhealthy junks you cannot resist rather stock with fruits most of the time.


Another unhealthy eating habit exhibited by Bitcoin gambling addicts is skipping of meals. Skipping a meal leads to a slowdown of your metabolism. Food gives you a boost of energy you need for the day. With Bitcoin gamblers spending more time on gambling sites, they may lose track on meal times and end up skipping some which is very adverse on the health of an individual. As a bitcoin gambler you are advised to keep track on your meal times by either having alarms as a reminder or having someone to watch your back to avoid skipping meals.


Sitting in front of a computer results to too much eating which is worrying. Mindless snacking might lead to more junk eating which might lead to too much weight gain and adverse health effects on an individual.

Taking frequent breaks when in front of a computer, walking around the room for a while and remember to monitor what you consume so that you don’t overstuff yourself might be a remedy to this on an online bitcoin gambling addict.


Not every gamble will give a win and expectations overturned might lead to a mental breakdown. This may affect the gambler negatively getting him to an extent of having little or no eat at all which may lead to adverse effects on the health of the individual.

To avoid this do not let gambling get into you that much such that a loose or an unexpected win does not tamper with your mental health.


Most of the online gambling addicts will take their meals while on their computer. Multi-tasking will have a negative effect on the brain of an individual especially during meal times which is very essential for the health of an individual. This will either lead to an underfeed or an overfeed to an individual creating adverse effects on the calories of the addict which may lead to health failure.

To avoid this an online Bitcoin gambling addict has to create time for eating in between his/her betting schedules to feed to avoid messing up their metabolism rates which in turn affect their general health being.


An irregular eating schedule can undercut your metabolism. Bitcoin online betting addicts are usually glued on their computers failing to keep track on their eating schedules risking on the metabolism. To fix on this an online gaming addict has to actively create time for their meals on regular basis and adhere to the same schedules so as to not to alter their health wise nature.


Consuming beverages available absentmindedly while gambling and forming a habit of use along with gambling is common. Caffeine and alcohol consumptions are both easy habits to pick and the two are the most abused by online bitcoin gambling addicts. When taken in low quantity it enhances a safe gambling experience such as concentration but there are significant drawbacks to regular intakes and very addictive so to say. Too much intake of alcohol may lead to liver failure in an individual while frequent intake of caffeine will cause headaches in case they are missed which negatively lower the concentration of an individual. As much as caffeine aids on concentration it may cause lack of sleep to an individual leading to insomnia.

Whereas most of the habits discussed above portray negative eating habits of online bitcoin gambling addicts. Some are very cognizant of their health and practise healthy eating habits by regular uptake of fruits to boost their vitamins, uptake of water to keep the brain active, proper schedule of their meal times to be at par with their metabolism rates.


Whereas gambling is a personal choice. You are advised to stick to healthy eating habits while on the same for your body to be at par with its metabolism rates, to avoid obesity which comes with negative and very serious consequences on the heart of an individual. Healthy habits are an individual’s own responsibility. Bitcoin online slots addicts are advised to check on their eating habits. Negative habits leads to health deterioration and as much as gambling takes toll on most of your time. At least make time for yourself.